Featured Book

The New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy in the 21st Century
An Anthology of Published Writings since 2000
This is a collection of writings by members of the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy previously published from 2000 to 2014. Here you will find essays with much in common and with important differences. These papers reflect the authors’ relationship to the institute and offer what they believe is representative of their work. This collection exemplifies the institute: our membership, our mission our sense of history—and marks our place in contemporary gestalt therapy.
Edited by Dan Bloom and Brian O’Neill
470 pages
Published: April 8, 2014
Books written or edited by Full Members

Borderline, Narcissistic, and Schizoid Adaptations:
The Pursuit of Love, Admiration, and Safety.
Elinor Greenberg begins with an overview of the topic of personality disorders, reframes these disorders as adaptations, and then explains the treatment interventions that work best for each type of adaptation.
By Elinor Greenberg, PhD
382 pages
Published: September 12, 2016

On the Occasion of an Other
Robine’s special gift as a theorist is a sensibility that moves with ease from the philosopher’s absorption in the task of fine-tuning concepts to the clinician’s fascination with the nuances of feeling and behavior. The essays in this book illuminate one facet of Gestalt therapy after another from fresh points of view.
By Jean-Marie Robine (Author), Michael Vincent Miller (Introduction)
328 pages
Published: February 1, 2011

A polyphony of contemporary Gestalt therapists
Sixty-five years after the creation of gestalt therapy, it seemed useful and interesting to question gestalt therapy theorists on their understanding and use of this concept of ‘self’, and to invite them to deploy and clarify the directions in which they may have been able to influence and enrich it.
Edited by Jean-Marie Robine
388 pages
Published: 2016

The Now-for-Next in Psychotherapy
Gestalt Therapy Recounted in Post-Modern Society (Gestalt Therapy Book Series 1)
Gestalt therapy sees the therapeutic relationship as the occurring, the coming to light of a co-creation between patient and therapist. By means of clinical cases, the author leads the reader on her path of understanding of the Gestalt approach, which is focused on the desire for contact that animates relational unease and on the process that reveals its “music”.
By Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb
362 pages
Published: February 19, 2014

The First Year and the Rest of Your Life
Movement, Development, and Psychotherapeutic Change
The movement repertoire that develops in the first year of life is a language in itself and conveys desires, intentions, and emotions. This early life in motion serves as the roots of ongoing nonverbal interaction and later verbal expression – in short, this language remains a key element in communication throughout life.
By Ruella Frank, Ph.D. and Frances La Barre, Ph.D.
198 pages
Published: October 25, 2010

A Well-Lived Life:
Essays in Gestalt Therapy
Sylvia Crocker’s A Well-Lived Life is a work of a daring and creative thinker, offering a bold reconceptualization of Gestalt therapy that extends all the way from its philosophical foundation to the nuances of its clinical application. In prose that is clear as a bell, Crocker fully exposes the depth and power of Gestalt therapy’s field theoretical model, deftly moving from individual to larger systems work and back again, and capturing the full range of human psychological phenomena as she goes.
By Sylvia F. Crocker
402 pages
Published: July 13, 1999

Beyond the Hot Seat Revisited
Gestalt Approaches to Group
In 1980, the original Beyond the Hot Seat was published and immediately recognized as a seminal work, providing gestalt group therapists with the first book exclusively devoted to that modality and offering them an expanded vision by linking gestalt principles with those of group dynamics, hence the title. Now, almost thirty years later, we are pleased to offer an updated and thoroughly revised version.
By Bud Feder (Editor), Jon Frew (Editor)
439 pages
Published: July 1, 2008

Self in Relation
While this is a book about Gestalt therapy, it is also a book about the emergence of life, and human life in particular, from the complexity of the universe. It is a tribute to the early Gestaltists, Fritz and Laura Perls, Paul Goodman, and Paul Weiss that these two themes can coexist and support each other so easily.
By Peter Philippson (Author), Philip Lichtenberg (Introduction)
266 pages
Published: January 1, 2001

Sin tí no puedo ser yo
This book is a broad rainbow of themes that has a clear epistemological root and a coherent theoretical position: the relational and field perspective… We only know that we live when we encounter another and, in the risk and novelty of the encounter, we define ourselves, We differentiate ourselves and enrich ourselves.
By Carmen Vázquez Bandín (Author)
Spanish edition
Published: June 1, 2014
The Bodily Roots of Experience in Psychotherapy
This book explores the significance of movement processes as they shape one’s experience through life. With an introductory foreword by Michael Vincent Miller, it provides a comprehensive, practical understanding of how we lose the wonder and curiosity we move with as children, and how we can reclaim that.
By Ruella Frank
188 pages
Published: August 5, 2022
Body of Awareness:
A Somatic and Developmental Approach to Psychotherapy
Merging scientific theory with a practical, clinical approach, Body of Awareness explores the formation of infant movement experience and its manifest influence upon the later adult. Most significantly, it shows how the organizing principles in early development are functionally equivalent to those of the adult. It demonstrates how movement plays a critical role in a developing self-awareness for the infant and in maintaining a healthy self throughout life. In addition, a variety of case studies illustrates how infant developmental movement patterns are part of the moment-to-moment processes of the adult client and how to bring these patterns to awareness within therapy.
By Ruella Frank
244 pages
Published: July 1, 2001
Continuity and Change:
Gestalt Therapy Now (World of Contemporary Gestalt Therapy)
Continuity and Change: Gestalt Therapy Now describes what is quite possibly the most unique and significant gestalt therapy organization in the world. There are, of course, many other associations of gestalt therapists, but many of them are either much smaller or qualitatively different because they attend to certifying and regulating their members. The Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy (AAGT) does not certify nor regulate; its sole purpose is to advance the theory and practice of gestalt therapy through the associating of its members.
By Dan Bloom (Author), Philip Brownell (Author)
485 pages
Published: November 21, 2011
Psychopathology of the Situation in Gestalt Therapy
A Field-oriented Approach
This collection explores the impacts and new ways of treatment of difficult clinical situations, in the uncertainty of a world in crisis, through a phenomenological and aesthetic field-oriented lens.
Each author offers a Gestalt-centered perspective on clinical issues – a situational window, which includes the therapist and avails itself of tools configured to modify the entire experiential field.
Edited By Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, Pietro Cavaleri
316 pages
Published: March 24, 2023
Studies in Gestalt Therapy Dialogical Bridges
This journal jointly was published by the NYIGT, Isituto di Gestalt, HCC,(Siracusa, It) and Zentrum für Gestalttherapie, (Würtzburg, Ge) from 2007 to 2009.. It was edited by Dan Bloom (editor in chief) Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, and Frank-M Staemmler. More information about the journal is available at
Edited by Dan Bloom (editor in chief) Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, and Frank-M Staemmler
6 volumes
Published: 2007 – 2009
About the NYIGT
Gestalt Therapy:
Excitement and Growth in the Human Personality
The seminal text setting forth the theoretical foundations of Gestalt therapy. Originally published in 1951, The Gestalt Journal Press edition restores the work to its original editorial structure and includes a new introduction by Isadore From and Michael Vincent Miller. This is the only authorized edition of this classic text.
By Frederick S. Perls (Author), Ralph Hefferline (Author), Paul Goodman (Author)
514 pages
Published: January 1, 1951
Here Now Next:
Paul Goodman and the Origins of Gestalt Therapy
Paul Goodman left his mark in a number of fields: he went from being known as a social critic and philosopher of the New Left to poet and literary critic to author of influential works on education (Compulsory Mis-education) and community planning (Communitas). Perhaps his most significant achievement was in his contribution to the founding and theoretical portion of the classic text Gestalt Therapy (with F. S. Perls and R. E. Hefferline, 1951), still regarded as the cornerstone of Gestalt practice..
352 pages
Published: January 1, 1997
The History, Theory and Community of Gestalt Therapy
Exploring the New York Institute
This book tells the story of the community at the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy (NYIGT) as it evolved in connection with the highly regarded theory it produced, examining some important turning points for the institute spanning the period from the early 1970s until 2020 and describing the more large-scale changes the community underwent.
By Václav Mikolášek
114 pages
Published: December 26, 2022