

The NYIGT is not a training institute. It is an association of people committed to the joint venture of teaching/learning, where teaching and learning are elements of one whole figure/ground process. We teach as we learn and learn as we teach. This is a hermeneutic process. We believe that effective teaching/learning emerges from a field of mutual interest. We learn Gestalt therapy as we embody it — with our blood and our flesh, with our passion and thoughts, our acting and doing. The teaching/learning process and the institute flourish on this basis.

Importantly. we are not an alternative to formal training institutes, but rather a teaching/learning community open to people at all levels of interest and experience in Gestalt therapy

Teaching/learning occurs both informally and formally. This happens informally in the here-and-now contacting at our monthly meetings in which both presentations and discussions become lively examples of theory and practice. This happens formally in the independent webinars, workshops, supervision, and other teaching/learning opportunities offered by our FULL members, as noted below.

A fluid teaching/learning process such as we offer at the NYIGT is open ended. While training institutes are necessarily organized around a fixed curriculum in order to certify candidates for state licensure, the teaching/learning process is ongoing. We are a place for graduates of other institutes of any modality  to continue their exploration and development of Gestalt therapy.

From the very beginning of the Institute, qualified Full Members  have offered courses emerging  out of their interests and expertise. The offerings on this website represent the current independent teaching/learning activities of Full Members who are fully trained and recognized by us as able to receive referrals from the institute. See our Find a Therapist page to select a therapist or supervisor.

If people review the list of Offerings but do not see anything immediately relevant to their interests, we encourage them to contact Full Members and discuss their interests with them. Often, this expression of interest creates a new teaching/learning opportunity, whether it be seminar, webinar, colloquium, supervision, practicum, or workshop. In this way, members  of the institute  informally create “programs” out of their individual needs, concerns and excitement — and to choose what and with whom to study.

We believe this process leads to growth and awareness in a way that most effectively embodies the values and spirit of Gestalt therapy.

We welcome everyone to join us in this process. It is easy to become a member of the institute.



Click on a highlighted name for more information.

Membership Levels


