New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy

We are the original Gestalt Therapy Institute, established by Fritz and Laura Perls in 1952.

As we were then, so are we now: a teaching/learning community where we explore ever-evolving Gestalt theory as experienced in and expressed through the practice of therapy, group work, and organizational development. Presentations mine the history of Gestalt theory and examine the larger intellectual context within which current theory is developing. Anyone with an interest in Gestalt ideas, applications, and practices is invited to join our community and membership organization. Click here for more information, membership details, find a therapist/supervisor and to join the institute.

Our offerings include presentations at our monthly meetings. These meetings are open to anyone — and they are free. The presentations cover a range of contemporary topics relevant to Gestalt therapy. Everyone is welcome. To see the full schedule, click here.

Upcoming Presentation

Featured Book

The History, Theory and Community of Gestalt Therapy

The History, Theory and Community of Gestalt Therapy

Exploring the New York Institute

This book tells the story of the community at the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy (NYIGT) as it evolved in connection with the highly regarded theory it produced, examining some important turning points for the institute spanning the period from the early 1970s until 2020 and describing the more large-scale changes the community underwent.