NYIGT Member

David Picó Vila



I work as a Gestalt therapist in private practice in Valencia, Spain. I am a pianist and singer and practice Kung Fu and Tai Chi.

As a therapist and psychologist, I am particularly interested in expression, language and the voice. I work with professional musicians, actors and artists. I am a supervisor and trainer in Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy and a faculty member at the Valencia Gestalt Center. I also teach at other institutes in Spain and other countries. I participate in and coordinate several online training programs in Gestalt Therapy.

I am a full member of the EAGT and former vice president. I am a full member and supervisor of the Spanish Association of Gestalt Therapy (AETG). I am a member of the Spanish Association of Music Psychology and Music Performance (AEPMIM).

I have been involved for 20 years in projects that provide technological support and useful services for Gestalt Therapy via the Internet, such as gestaltresearch.com, gestaltresearchnetwork.com, evinotes.org or gestaltnet.net. My interest and skills in this area come from my previous background as a computer scientist. I have a PhD in Language Processing and Machine Learning and was a professor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia for 23 years.

Publications in psychotherapy

Picó, D. “Proyecto Evinotes: una herramienta para el seguimiento de procesos terapéuticos gestálticos”. Revista de terapia gestalt (AETG), Vol. 44. (2024)

Picó, D. “On the Experience of Being Seen Doing”. Gestalt Review, Vol. 25, No. 1. (2021)

Picó, D., Keyes, H. A., Valantin, B. “Internet-mediated Gestalt therapy: excitement and growth in an online field”, British Gestalt Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1, 3–10 (2021)

Picó, D. “La voz en psicoterapia” Cuadernos Gestalt, 4. (2013) [Published in English as “The voice in psychotherapy” in New Gestalt Voices, No.2, 2018]