NYIGT Member
Frank Bosco

Frank Bosco, LCAT, LMT, BC-MT, RPP, SEP
is a Certified Music Therapist and a Licensed Massage Therapist with a body-oriented psychotherapy private practice since 1980. As a gestalt trained music therapist, he integrates a wide range of somatic and psychotherapy practices including shiatsu, Bioenergetics, verbal gestalt therapy, NMT, Polarity Therapy, Cranio-Sacral technique, NLP, hypnotherapy, and Somatic-Experiencing® (an approach for “renegotiating” traumatic experiences). By using the energy principles of Polarity Therapy and Ayurveda (the traditional ‘science of life’ from India) as a basis, his work brings bodywork and psychotherapy together with theoretical and technical understandings from the field of music therapy. This blending of Eastern and Western principles has resulted in the creation of an approach he calls “Elemental Music Alignment” (EMA) for which he offers private sessions and classes.
In addition to working with this approach to music therapy he also employs music making in practicing “Somatic Experiencing®” and Gestalt therapy.
Since 1990 he has been the founder-director of Sound Health Studio, a body, mind and music therapy center in New York City. He is an adjunct faculty member at New York University leading group process classes in the Music Therapy graduate program since 1989 and has taught some of his work in a course called “Energy Concepts in Music Therapy”. Additionally, he teaches all levels of guitar and music training in the application of music therapy and offers supervision for therapists seeking his areas of expertise.
Since 1981, Mr. Bosco has taught many classes, presented regularly at conferences and has produced a number of writings (published and unpublished) on subjects relating to: trauma work (Somatic Experiencing in particular), Gestalt therapy, Polarity therapy, body-oriented therapy, music therapy and sound healing approaches. He has, over the years, presented the various aspects of his work in conferences and seminars throughout the US and in Europe. He continues to practice, teach, lecture, write, play, and explore, all in the interest of bettering the human condition.
Frank Bosco’s book chapters
Bosco, F. (1997). Sensing and resonating with pain: A process-oriented approach to focusing the body/mind using music therapy. In J.V. Loewy, (Ed.), Music therapy and pediatric pain (pp. 7-21). Cherry Hill, New Jersey: Jeffrey Books.
Bosco, F. (2002). Daring, dread, discharge, and delight. In J.V. Loewy & A. Frisch Hara, (Eds.), Caring for the caregiver: The use of music and music therapy in grief and trauma (pp. 71-79, 176). Silver Spring, MD: American Music Therapy
Bosco, F. (2010). Translating Somatic Experiencing® and Gestalt Therapy for Trauma Resolution into Music Therapy Practice with Adults. In K. Stewart (Ed.), Music therapy & trauma: bridging theory and practice. New York: Satchnote Press.
Bosco, F. (2011). The use of Elemental Music Alignment in the journey from singer to healer/therapist. In A. Meadows (Ed.), Developments in Music Therapy Practice: Case Study Perspectives. Gilsum, NH: Barcelona Publishers.
Bosco, F. (2013). Finding Relief from Pain through the Use of Music: A Gestalt Therapy Approach. In J. Mondanaro and Gabriel Sara (Eds.), Music and Medicine: Integrative models in the treatment of pain (pp. 115-131). New York: Satchnote Press.
Bosco, F. (2014). Translating Somatic Experiencing® and Gestalt Therapy for Trauma Resolution into Music Therapy Practice with Adults. From K. Stewart (Ed.), Music therapy & trauma: bridging theory and practice. New York: Satchnote Press. Reprinted in D. Bloom and B. O’Neill (Eds.), The New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy in the 21st Century: An Anthology of Published Writings Since 2000. Queensland 4573, Australia: Ravenwood Press.