NYIGT Member

Marcin Nowacki



Marcin Nowacki

Based in Wroclaw, Poland. Co-owner of the “W Przestrzeni” – Development Institute. Member of the “ACBS Poland” board (Association for Contextual Behavioral Science). Co-author of the ManKind project – a space for a therapeutic and developmental work for men. Member of the board of the “Psychologists and Psychotherapists for Society” association.

He is a psychologist (SWPS University), a Gestalt, ACT and EMDR psychotherapist, a Mindfulness teacher (MBCT teacher training at the Oxford Mindfulness Center and (once upon a time) a lawyer (University of Wroclaw).

Completed two postgraduate studies at SWPS University – “Mindfulness and compassion – basics, research and psychotherapy” under the supervision of prof. Pawel Holas and “Coaching with elements of psychology” under the supervision of Mikolaj Koterski PhD.

Finishing my gestalt degree at the 4-year school of the Institute of Integral Gestalt Psychotherapy in Krakow in July 2024.

Always treating the opportunity to work with (and meet) people as a great privilege.

Morę info about Marcin (in polish): www.marcinnowacki.pl

Email: me@marcinnowacki.pl