NYIGT Member
Matthew Whaley
Matthew Whaley is a gestalt-trained psychotherapist in private practice in New York City and at the Jersey Shore. He has worked as a therapist since obtaining a Masters Degree in Social Work from New York University in 1995. He is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker; certified in Authentic Process Therapy (theinstitute.org); certified as a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and teaching assistant (traumahealing.org); certified as a Gestalt Therapist and on the Faculty at the Gestalt Center for Psychotherapy & Training (gestaltnyc.org); and completing certification in Hypnosis. Physiological experience precedes and informs our psychology – so attention to the body is crucial. Matthew endeavors to teach useful tools and an empowered understanding of how the body/mind works. This supports a compassionate understanding that our behavior patterns are our “creative adjustments” to life circumstances that were unresolvable with the resources available at the time. Building the needed resources in the present shifts more of the focus to accessing and building upon what “is” working NOW.