NYIGT Member
Nancy Amendt – Lyon
Nancy Amendt-Lyon, Dr. phil., M.A., born in New York, lives and works in Vienna, studied psychology in the United States, Switzerland, and Austria. Trained in Gestalt therapy and group psychoanalysis, private practice in Austria since 1978, Full Member of the NYIGT, Chair of the Austrian Association for Gestalt Therapy (ÖVG; http://oevg-gestalt.at/) 2006 – 2021, EAGT member and supervisor, member of the Austrian Federal Association of Psychotherapy (ÖBVP), external trainer at the Czech training Institute Gestalt Studia (www.gestaltstudia.cz), associate editor of Gestalt Review, member of the scientific board of Psychotherapie Forum.
Created an archive for Laura Perls’s unpublished manuscripts, letters, and photos at the archives of the city of Pforzheim, Germany. See: Lore Perls) https://www.stadtarchiv-pforzheim.findbuch.net/php/main.php).
Many years of experience training Gestalt therapists, group psychoanalysts, and supervisors in Austria and abroad. Numerous publications, including editing Timeless Experience: Laura Perls’s Unpublished Notebooks and Literary Texts 1946-1985, and Creative License: The Art of Gestalt Therapy, and writing a début novel, Case Unclosable.
Website in English and German: www.amendt-lyon-gestalttherapie.at; nancy.amendtlyon@gmail.com