Jean-Marie Robine


Workshops (2016):

  • Valencia – Spain – Transference and field percpective (Feb.)
  • Moscow – Russia – Working in a field perspective (Feb.)
  • Moscow – Russia – Clinical perspectives (Feb.)
  • Culiacan – Mexico – Self disclosure of the therapist (Feb.)
  • Culiacan – Mexico – To extricate out of shame (March)
  • Mexico DF – Theory of self (March)
  • Puebla – Mexico – Working in a field perpective (March)
  • Novosibirsk – Siberia- Russia Theory of self and clinical applications (April)
  • Ljubjiana – Slovenia – Psychopathology of Narcissistic experience (April)
  • Valencia – Spain – Family of origin and urge to become a therapist (April)
  • Kiev – Ukraine- Clinical work (April)
  • Dniepropetrovsk – Ukraine – About therapeutic relationship (April)
  • Joinville – Brazil – Psychopatholgy in a Gestalt perspective (May)
  • Rio de Janeiro – Brasil – Conference about « psychotherapy as a situation »
  • Goiania – Brazil – Psychopatholgy in a Gestalt perspective (May)
  • Bilbao – Spain – Advances in theory of self (May)
  • Bordeaux – France – Clinical applications of theory of self (June)
  • Moscow – Russia – With Ruella Frank – The situation in flesh and Bones (June)
  • Kiev – Ukraine – With Ruella Frank – The situation in flesh and Bones (June)
  • Dniepropetrovsk – Ukraine – Self disclosure and commitment of the therapist (June)
  • Dniepropetrovsk – Ukraine – Construction/deconstruction of gestalts (June)
  • Bordeaux – France – Internat. seminar « Foundationnal Gestalt therapy » (July)
  • Dniepropetrovsk – Ukraine – Construction/deconstruction of gestalts (June)
  • Dniepropetrovsk – Ukraine – Theory of self and losses of ego-functions (sept)
  • Moscow – Russia – Transference and field perspective (Oct)
  • Bordeaux – France – Psychopathology in a GT perspective
  • Almaty – Kazakhstan – Working with dreams ( oct)
  • Mosow – Russia – Working with Shame ( Nov.)
  • Brussels – Belgium – Working in a field perspective (Nov.)
  • Valencia – Spain – theory of self and its clinical applications
  • Stockholm – Sweden – From theory to practice, from practice to theory (Nov.)
  • Ekaterinbug – Russia – Supervision (Dec)

2016 Members offering

  • The situation in flesh and bones – With Ruella Frank
    Moscow – Russia – June 10-12
    Kiev – Ukraine – June 14-16
  • Near Bordeaux – France – Foundational Gestalt-therapy and its further developments : theory of self – its clinical and practical use.
    International seminar in English – July 4- 9, 2016