Peter Philippson

Peter Phillipson


Peter Philippson, M.Sc

I run three therapy groups for qualified therapists and senior trainees with significant prior therapy experience (not necessarily Gestalt) that meet four times a year for two days. There is a maximum of 10 people in each group. The costs (my fees and travel/food/accommodation costs and room hire) are divided between participants, so would depend on the number of people. Currently it is in the region of £180 – 200 per group + accommodation/food on residentials. New people attend the first meeting without ongoing commitment, and if they decide to join then make a commitment to pay for each group until they leave. The leaving process is that a person announces their intention to leave at one group, and leaves after the next one.

The Residential group (was the London group) meets on a Thursday (from 11a.m.) and Friday (till 3p.m.) four times a year, at the Purley Chase Centre near Nuneaton. Some groups are Wednesday and Thursday if the Centre is booked up over the weekend.

The Edinburgh group meets on a Saturday and Sunday at various Edinburgh venues, sometimes with one residential usually in autumn.

The Polish group that meets 4 weekends a year (residential/self-catering) in the Polish countryside?.  This is done in Polish through an interpreter.

Peter says “I practice a Gestalt approach that emphasises that we discover and form ourselves through our engagement in the world rather than through introspection. The group becomes a laboratory exploring that engagement and forming. If you want to know more, you may want to look at my writing: Self in Relation pub. Gestalt Journal Press (2001), The Emergent Self pub. Karnac/UKCP (2009) and Gestalt Therapy: Roots and Branches pub. Karnac (2012).” The “Active Principle” in Gestalt Therapy and Other Essays, pub. Manchester Gestalt Centre (2024).

Topics in Gestalt Therapy: A series of articles in ebook format (available in Kindle and Kobo formats, + translations into many languages). Each is available for about $2.50. Full information on the Manchester Gestalt Centre website.

I have limited availability for supervision over Zoom.